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Newburyport Youth Soccer Association

Newburyport Youth Soccer Association

Game Rules

U6 Rules of the Game
  1. Game time is two twenty-minute halves with a 3-5 minute half time.
  2. 3 vs. 3. Field size is 75 feet long x 40 feet wide. Goals are 4' wide x 3' high on the endline facing across from each other.  6" discs are now used to mark the corners of the field. A 9 foot semi-circle in front of the net is the dead ball area. it is outlined by 6" discs. No player may touch the ball after it enters this area.
  3. All players must wear shin pads. No jewelry, casts or any metal/hard plastic objects may be worn at any time. Size 3 ball is used.
  4. Substitutions are at will.
  5. Coaches ref their own games.
  6. No center line, each team should start by their own goal. The team with the ball dribbles up field and the game starts.
  7. Each team must line up on their side of the field at a kickoff and can not move forward to attack until the ball is rolled.
  8. A goal can not be scored from a kickoff, or restart.
  9. Defenders must allow ~10 yards distance from the ball on kickoffs, kick-ins and goal kicks
  10. Players can not defend or attack inside the penalty area (semi circle in front of each net)
    1. If a Defender touches a ball inside the penalty area count this as a goal
    2. If an Attacker touches a ball inside the penalty award a goal kick to the opposite team
  11. Balls out of bounds over the touch line restart with a kick-in from the point nearest where it went out.
  12. Balls out of bounds over the goal line –
    1. If a Defender is the last one to touch the ball a corner kick is awarded to the opposite team
    2. If an Attacker is the last one to touch the ball a goal kick is awarded to the opposite team
  13. Dead ball in the penalty area- (if the ball stops rolling within the semi-circle.)
    1. If a Defender is the last one to touch the ball a corner kick is awarded to the opposite team
    2. If an Attacker is the last one to touch the ball a goal kick is awarded to the opposite team
  14. All fouls result in an indirect kick – the ball must touch some one after the kick before a goal can be scored
  15. After each goal, each team starts at their own end again.
  16. Goal kicks can either be passed onto the playing field or dribbled onto the field.
  17. No offside law in effect.
  18. No slide tackles
  19. All players must wear appropriate cleats, no metal and no center toe cleat

U8 Rules of the Game
  1. Game time is two twenty-five minute halves with a 5 minute half time.
  2. 5 vs 5.  Field size is 25 yards wide by 50 yards long, marked by 9” cones for the corners and 6” inch discs for the touchline and endline. Goals are 9’ x 4’ with PVC nets each on the endline facing across from each other. Center spot marks kick-offs. A goalie box in front of the net is the area where the goalie is permitted to use hands.   
  3. All players must wear shin pads. No jewelry, casts or any metal/hard plastic objects may be worn at any time. Size 3 ball is used.
  4. Substitutions are at will.
  5. Coaches ref his or her own games.
  6. Coaches are to stand off to the side near the side of play and should not interrupt the field of play.  Each coach should call the fouls on their side of the field.
  7. All kickoffs start from the center spot. Ball can be passed either forward, backwards or sidewards.
  8. Each team must line up on their side of the field at a kickoff and can not move forward to attack until the ball is rolled. 
  9. A goal can not be scored from a kickoff, or restart.
  10.  Defenders must allow 5 yards distance from the ball on kickoffs and throw-ins.
  11. Balls out of bounds over the touch line restart with a throw-in from the point nearest where it went out.  Coaches should call the ball out when the entirety of the ball crosses the touch line and not allow for a buffer of 2-3 feet to keep playing.  Proper throw-in technique includes: facing the field of play; part of each foot is either on or outside of the touch line; both hands are used equally; the ball is delivered from behind and over the thrower's head.
  12. Balls out of bounds over the goal line –
    • If a Defender is the last one to touch the ball a corner kick is awarded to the opposite team
    • If an Attacker is the last one to touch the ball a goal kick is awarded to the opposite team
  13. All fouls result in an indirect kick – the ball must touch some one after the kick before a goal can be scored
  14. Restarts following a goal are taken at the center spot.
  15. Goal kicks must be passed, not dribbled, onto the playing field.
  16. No offside law in effect.
  17. No slide tackles
  18. All players must wear appropriate cleats, no metal and no center toe cleat
  19. GOALIES:- Goalies shall wear a different color jersey from either team. 
    1. Pinnies or another shirt may be used, but not the opposite color of their NBPT jersey.
    2. Once the goalie has picked up the ball, they have 6 seconds to release the ball.
    3. When a ball is picked up during live play, the goalie can only throw or roll the ball, they may not punt it.
    4. The ball must bounce or touch another player before it crosses the half field line.
    5. The goalie may not use their hands if:
      • The goalie has already touched the ball with their hands and no player from the opposing team has touched the ball.
      • The goalie receives an intentional pass from their own team (other than a header)
      • The goalie receives the ball from a throw-in from their own team.
    6. The goalie may use their hands if they are inside the box (if no box has been painted on the field,  use the 14 yard line)
      Important:  Once the goalie has any part of their hand or body on the ball, all children must step away.  no one is to kick at the ball at any time the goalie is touching it.  touching is any physical contact with the ball (arm, leg, hand, rolling on the ball, etc) and does not necessarily require control of the ball.
    7. Goal Kicks:
      1.   A goal kick is awarded when the ball crosses the goal line and was touched last by the opposing team.
      2. The kick is taken from the edge of the penalty box.
      3. The kicker may not play the ball again until it has touched another player first.
      4. Defenders must move back to the half field line until the ball has been played.
      5. The ball must bounce or touch a player before it crosses the half field line.
      6. A goal may be scored from a goal kick.
    8. Substitution of goalie should only happen on a throw in or goal scored. 
    9. No substitutions on corner kicks.


U10 Rules of The Game

The U10 age group is a non-pressure, instructional form of soccer whose purpose is to provide a fun atmosphere and a positive playing experience for all children participating.  All participants win when coaches, parents, referees and players enjoy the game.  The FIFA laws of the game apply, except as noted below:

  1. Games are two 25 minute halves with a 5 to 10 minute halftime - no stoppage time will be added
  2. Shin guards are mandatory
  3. Only soccer cleats, soccer shoes or sneakers are allowed - no baseball or football cleats
  4. The ball that will be used will be a number 4
  5. No jewelry, rings, watches, earrings, bandanas, metal hair clips, etc. are allowed - only elastic hair bands or elastic headbands can be used
  6. No casts or splints are allowed - this includes bubble wrapping casts
  7. Slide tackling is not allowed

Field Format

  8. 7v7 format (6 field players and 1 goalkeeper)
  9. Field Dimensions: length 55-65 yards by Width 35-45 yards (165-195 ft) x (105-135 ft)
  10. Maximum goal size = height 6.5 ft by width 18.5 ft.  Ideally 6 ft by 12 ft.
  11. A "buildout" line is defined on each end of the field, extending from sideline to sideline at a point between the midfield line and the penalty area


  11. The goalie can use their hands anywhere inside the penalty area (larger of the two boxes)
  12. Goalies may not punt the ball.  They must roll or throw the ball.
  13. Thrown balls must touch a player or the ground prior to going over the midfield line
  14. Goal kicks can be take from anywhere in the goal area (smaller of the two boxes)
  15. Goal kicks may not cross the midfield line in the air or without a player touching it first.  If it does not touch the ground or a player before crossing the midfield line, a free kick is awarded at the point where it crossed the midfield line
  16. A goalie who takes a kick improperly will be given additional attempts until the kick is correctly accomplished
  17. If a player other than the goalie takes the goal kick, the goalie shall stand on the goal line

Additional Goal Kick rules

  18. The offensive team (taking the kick) may make a short pass to a teammate within the penalty area who can then attempts to clear the ball.
  19. No defensive player (opposing the goal kick) may touch the ball until it comes outside the penalty area.
  20. All players from the opposing team (considered the defensive team) must retreat to the beyond the buildout line.  They cannot cross until the ball has crossed the top of the penalty area.  Any infraction will result in a free kick for the offensive team at the point where the defensive player crossed the buildout line prior to the ball leaving the penalty area


  21. A player is in an offside position if he is nearer to his opponents' goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent.  A free kick is awarded if a player is in an offside position at the moment the ball touches or is played by a teammate - regardless if they are involved in the play or not.


  22. No penalty kicks will be taken
  23. All fouls committed inside of the penalty box that would normally result in a penalty kick will be moved outside the penalty box to the point closest to where the foul was committed and an indirect kick will be awarded.  Defending players can make a wall 10 yards from the ball and still be 4-6 yards away from their goal line.
  24. No intentional heading is allowed.  The other team will be awarded a free kick at the point of a header.  For headers occurring in the penalty area, the ball will be moved to the edge of the penalty area closest to the spot of the infraction.
  25. Unintentional touching of the ball with the head will not be considered a penalty.


  26. A player must use both hands to throw the ball from behind and over their head, and with both feet on the ground.  Throw-ins are taken from the spot where the ball went out of play.  A player who takes a throw-in improperly will be given a second try.  If unsuccessful after the second try, the ball is awarded to the other team.


  27. Substitution shall be unlimited upon consent of the referee under the following situations:
    a. Prior to any goal kick
    b. After a goal by either team
    c. after an injury resulting in stoppage of play, only the injured player may be substituted
    d. At halftime
    e. Prior to a throw-in, the team in possession may substitute.  If the team in possession substitutes, then and only then may the opposing team also substitute.


  28. If a team goes up by 4 goals the losing team may add a player.  If this does not help, they can add a second player, or if they choose, elect to have a player removed from the team that is ahead.  Other suggestions are enforcing multiple passes before shooting, using weaker foot, etc.  Both coaches should work together to find a resolution that makes the game balanced and fun for both teams.


  29. Each home team shall provide a referee or referees for the games on their fields
  30. Referees should be a minimum of 2 grade levels ahead (7th or older)
  31. If a referee is not available, coaches will mutually agree to a parent with sufficient knowledge or will have an assistant coach referee the game
  32. Referees will meet simultaneously with coaches from both teams before the game to review the offsides, throw-in, and goal kick rules.
  33. Referees will meet again during the later part of the halftime break (again simultaneously with both coaches) where coaches can ask questions, but should not use the time to critique calls.
  34. During the game, coaches will refrain from arguing with a referee's call OR non-call.  Any violations and the referee can remove the coach.  Referees can also file a complaint about coach/player/parent behavior.  Reports will be reviewed by both town presidents and appropriate penalties (including banning from future games) will be determined.


Newburyport Youth Soccer Association

Email: [email protected]

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